
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /phpinfo
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 ftvev_cfds_athlete_mystere /et-vous/avantages-fidelite/communaute-fans-de-sport/l-athlete-mystere Path does not match
14 ftvev_get_coral_token /et-vous/get-coral-token Path does not match
15 ftvev_culture_fan_club_pager /et-vous/le-club/le-club-fans-de-culture/{target}/pager Path does not match
16 ftvev_data_consents /utilisation_de_mes_donnees Path does not match
17 ftvev_data_delete_account /supprimer-mon-compte Path does not match
18 ftvev_data_portability /recuperer-mes-donnees-personnelles Path does not match
19 ftvev_cfds_fantasy_six-nations /et-vous/mon-offre-fidelite/communaute-fans-de-sport/fantasy-six-nations Path does not match
20 ftvev_et_vous_newsletters_subscriptions /et-vous/abonnements Path does not match
21 ftvev_newsletters_subscriptions /abonnements Path does not match
22 ftvev_et_vous_newsletters_subscriptions_by_category /et-vous/abonnements/{category} Path does not match
23 ftvev_newsletters_subscriptions_by_category /abonnements/{category} Path does not match
24 ftvev_et_vous_newsletters_subscriptions_by_category_sub_category /et-vous/abonnements/{category}/{subCategory} Path does not match
25 ftvev_newsletters_subscriptions_by_category_sub_category /abonnements/{category}/{subCategory} Path does not match
26 ftvev_newsletters_my_subscriptions /et-vous/gestion-abonnements Path does not match
27 ftvev_et_vous_newsletters_my_subscriptions_by_category /et-vous/gestion-abonnements/{category} Path does not match
28 ftvev_et_vous_newsletters_my_subscriptions_by_category_sub_category /et-vous/gestion-abonnements/{category}/{subCategory} Path does not match
29 ftvev_newsletters_subscribe_unsubscribe /et-vous/abonnements/subscribe-unsubscribe Path does not match
30 ftvev_newsletters_subscribe /et-vous/abonnements/subscribe Path does not match
31 ftvev_newsletters_unsubscribe /et-vous/abonnements/unsubscribe Path does not match
32 ftvev_newsletters_club /le-club/newsletter-hebdo/ Path does not match
33 ftvev_newsletters_club_by_region /le-club/newsletter-hebdo/{region} Path does not match
34 ftvev_newsletters_club_link /le-club/newsletters-hebdo/liste Path does not match
35 ftvev_player /ce-soir-sur-francetv Path does not match
36 generate_qualifio_loyalty_token /generate-qualifio-loyalty-token Path does not match
37 generate_qualifio_token /generate-qualifio-token Path does not match
38 search_route /et-vous/api/search/suggestions Path does not match
39 ftvev_security_ajax_login /ajax-connexion Path does not match
40 ftvev_security_change_my_password /changer-mot-de-passe Path does not match
41 ftvev_security_forgotten_password /mot-de-passe-oublie Path does not match
42 ftvev_security_login /connexion Path does not match
43 ftvev_security_my_account /groupe/confidentialite/mes-donnees-personnelles Path does not match
44 ftvev_security_profile_completion /completion-profil Path does not match
45 ftvev_security_registration /inscription Path does not match
46 ftvev_security_remember_me /remember-me Path does not match
47 ftvev_security_reset_password /reinitialisation-mdp Path does not match
48 ftvev_security_get_user_credentials /get-user-credentials Path does not match
49 ftvev_security_get_user_publicId /get-user-public-id Path does not match
50 ftvev_security_get_user_info /get-user-info Path does not match
51 ftvev_security_update_username /et-vous/update-username Path does not match
52 ftvev_security_check_email /et-vous/check-email Path does not match
53 ftvev_security_username_completion /completion-username Path does not match
54 Render sitemap /sitemap-{slug}.xml Path does not match
55 members_status /le-club/members/{member} Path does not match
56 update_members /le-club/update-connection-date/{member} Path does not match
57 c_dans_lair /et-vous/c-dans-lair/send-message Path does not match
58 c_dans_lair_presidential /et-vous/c-dans-lair-presidentielle/send-message Path does not match
59 kindergarten_send_msg /et-vous/kindergarten/send-message Path does not match
60 ftvev_security_logout /deconnexion Path does not match
61 all_render_pages /{endpoint} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.